
FTP Commands

Following tables lists some important FTP Commands. Please note that these commands are used by FTP internally to communicate between FTP Client and FTP Server. FTP command-line client software has a different set of commands for end users. Visit following lesson to know important commands in Windows FTP client.

Important FTP Commands

FTP Command Description
ABOR Abort the previous FTP command and related transfer of data
ACCT Account information; Some FTP servers require an account name also for accessing some data
ADAT Authentication/Security Data
ALLO Allocate disk space to receive a file
APPE Append; If there is already a file with the same name, it is extended with the transferred data
AUTH Authentication
AVBL Get the available space
CCC Clear Command Channel
CDUP Change to Parent Directory
CONF Confidentiality Protection Command
CSID Client/Server Identification
CWD Change working directory
DELE Delete a file
DSIZ Get the directory size
ENC Privacy Protected Channel
EPRT Specifies an extended address and port to which the server should connect
EPSV Enter extended passive mode
FEAT Get the feature list implemented by FTP server
HELP Get supported commands
HOST Identify virtual host on server by name
LANG Language
LIST List subdirectories or files
LPRT Song address and port to which the server should connect
LPSV Long passive mode
MDTM Get the last modified time of a file
MFCT Modify the creation time of a file
MFF Modify the last modification time, creation time, UNIX group/owner/mode of a file
MFMT Modify the last modification time of a file
MIC Integrity Protected Command
MKD Make directory
MLSD MLSD command allows an optional parameter, specifying the directory for listings are requested
MLST MLST command allows an optional parameter, that specifying object the information is requested. Returns data about exactly the object specified as parameter
MODE Transmission mode (Stream, Block, or Compressed)
NLST Gets a list of file names in a directory
NOOP No operation (used as keepalives)
OPTS Select options for a feature
PASS Password for authentication
PASV Enter passive mode
PORT Specifies an address and port to which the server should connect
PROT Data Channel Protection Level
PWD Get current directory
QUIT Disconnect
REIN Re-initializes the connection
REST Restart of data transfer.
RETR Retrieve files
RMD Remove a directory
RMDA Remove a directory tree
RNFR Rename from
RNTO Rename to
SITE Sends site specific commands to remote server
SIZE Return the size of a file
SMNT Mount file structure
SPSV Use single port passive mode (only one TCP port number for both control connections and passive-mode data connections)
STAT Returns information on the server status, including the status of the current connection
STOR Accept the data and to store the data as a file at the server site
STOU Store file uniquely
STRU Set file transfer structure
SYST Return system type
THMB Get a thumbnail of image file
TYPE Sets the transfer mode
USER Username for authentication
XCUP Change to the parent of the current working directory
XMKD Make a directory
XPWD Print the current working directory
XRCP Recipient specification
XRMD Remove the directory
XRSQ Scheme Selection
XSEM Send, mail if cannot
XSEN Send to terminal

Related Tutorials
What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Important RFCs related with FTP
What is anonymous FTP
FTP Active vs Passive modes
Different types of FTP Client software
How to use FTP Active mode in FileZilla Client
FTP Response Codes
Important commands in Windows command-line FTP client
How FTP works
Why FTP is not secure
Differences Between FTPS and SFTP
How to install FileZilla FTP Server
How to add a user in FileZilla FTP Server
How to add anonymous user account in FileZilla FTP Server
How to configure TLS (FTPS) in FileZilla FTP Server
Difference between Require explicit FTP over TLS and Require implicit FTP over TLS
How to install FileZilla FTP Client
How to login to a FTP Server using FileZilla FTP Client
FileZilla Site Manager
How to login to a FTP Server using Windows Command-line FTP Client