
Comparison operators in Excel

Excel comparison operators are used to compare numbers, text, contents of Cells, or result of functions. If the comparison is true, the Excel formula returns the Boolean value TRUE and if the comparison is wrong, the Excel formula returns the Boolean value FALSE.

Following table lists important comparison operators used in Excel formulas.

Comparison Operator Description
= Equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
<> Not equal to

Following sections show how comparison operators work in Excel formulas.

Excel Equal to comparison operator (=)

Excel Equal to comparison operator (=) is used to compare whether two numbers, text, contents of Cells, or result of functions are the same. Following table shows some examples of Excel Equal to comparison operator (=) in Excel formulas.

Equal To Comparison Operator Description Result
=100=100 Compares whether number 100 is equal to number 100 TRUE
=100=99 Compares whether number 100 is equal to number 99 FALSE
="Excel"="Excel" Compares whether text Excel is same as text Excel TRUE
="Excel"="Xcel" Compares whether text Excel is same as text Xcel FALSE

Excel Less than comparison operator (<)

Excel Less than comparison operator (<) is used to check whether a number is less than another number. Following table shows some examples of Excel Less than comparison operator (<) in Excel formulas.

Less than Comparison Operator Description Result
=99<100 Compares whether number 99 is less than number 100 TRUE
=100<99 Compares whether number 100 is less than number 99 FALSE
=100<100 Compares whether number 100 is less than number 100 FALSE

Excel Greater than comparison operator (>)

Excel Greater than comparison operator (>) is used to check whether a number is greater than another number. Following table shows some examples of Excel Greater than comparison operator (>) in Excel formulas.

Greater than Comparison Operator Description Result
=100>99 Compares whether number 100 is greater than number 99 TRUE
=99>100 Compares whether number 99 is greater than number 100 FALSE
=100>100 Compares whether number 100 is greater than number 100 FALSE

Excel Less than or equal to comparison operator (<=)

Excel Less than or equal to comparison operator (<=) is used to check whether a number is less than or equal to another number. Following table shows some examples of Excel Less than or equal to comparison operator (<=) in Excel formulas.

Less than or equal to Comparison Operator Description Result
=99<=100 Compares whether number 99 is less than or equal to number 100 TRUE
=100<=99 Compares whether number 100 is less than or equal to number 99 FALSE
=100<=100 Compares whether number 100 is less than or equal to number 100 TRUE

Excel Greater than or equal to comparison operator (>=)

Excel Greater than or equal to comparison operator (>=) is used to check whether a number is Greater than or equal to another number. Following table shows some examples of Excel Greater than or equal to comparison operator (>=) in Excel formulas.

Greater than or equal to Comparison Operator Description Result
=100>=99 Compares whether number 100 is greater than or equal to number 99 TRUE
=99>=100 Compares whether number 99 is greater than or equal to number 100 FALSE
=100>=100 Compares whether number 100 is greater than or equal to number 100 TRUE

Excel Not equal to comparison operator (<>)

Excel Not equal to comparison operator (<>) is used to check whether numbers, text, contents of Cells, or result of functions are not the same. Following table shows some examples of Excel Not equal to comparison operator (<>) in Excel formulas.

Not equal to Comparison Operator Description Result
=100<>100 Compares whether number 100 is not equal to number 100 FALSE
=100<>99 Compares whether number 100 is not equal to number 99 TRUE
="Excel"<>"Excel" Compares whether text Excel is not same as text Excel FALSE
="Excel"<>"Xcel" Compares whether text Excel is not same as text Xcel TRUE

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